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Why Mobile Marketing Is Absolutely Crucial These Days

As a smart and strategic business owner and online marketer these days, you absolutely MUST be making the most of mobile marketing efforts – getting ready to ride the next big wave in marketing clear past your competitors and into bigger paydays.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of otherwise smart and strategic business owners out there that aren’t quite sure if mobile marketing is really the “next big thing”. These business owners are going to be left behind as quick movers, pioneers, and savvy marketers like yourself begin implementing mobile marketing efforts ASAP.

To help you hit the ground running we’ve put together a couple of quick tips and tricks as well as some core stats that show just how important mobile marketing is these days.

Let’s dig right in!

Mobile marketing is for real

According to the US Small Business Administration (as well as a whole host of industry experts), 80% of all internet users own a smart phone or tablet device – and 40% of ALL online transactions are conducted on one of these mobile pieces of technology.

On top of that, mobile apps account for 89% of all mobile media time, 80% of shoppers say that they prefer using their smart phone as opposed to physical shopping, and it’s estimated that by the time 2030 rolls around 96% of ALL online traffic will be handled through mobile devices.

If you aren’t already poised to capitalize on these opportunities you are going to be left behind.

Get your site mobile ready ASAP

The first thing you need to do (if you haven’t already) is to get your online platform (your website, your e-commerce shop, etc.) 100% mobile optimized as quickly as humanly possible.

Professional writing services, high-quality content writers, and the opportunity to buy articles in bulk that allow you to push a flood of targeted traffic to your website time and time again – organically – will only help you build your bottom line if you have a mobile ready website that your mobile search users can take advantage of.

With 40% of consumers already utilizing their mobile device before they make informed decisions about purchasing ANYTHING (products and services) your site must be mobile ready right now, this very minute – or your losing out on sales.

Shift your search engine optimization efforts

While you don’t want to abandon traditional search engine optimization efforts anytime soon (and the best article rewriters and best article writing service will tell you this is still a big piece of the puzzle), you do want to hire American content writers that can craft keyword rich and search engine optimized content specifically targeting mobile search engine algorithms.

The more you can mobile optimize your search engine optimization efforts the higher you will rank when a search is conducted from a mobile device. Contextual advertising is a big piece of the puzzle here, and quality article writing services can help you pull that off pretty quickly.

Mobilize your email campaigns, too

Email marketing is a huge profit building tool when used correctly.

Unfortunately, a lot of people are using older, outdated, and almost “ancient” email templates that look fantastic on a traditional laptop or desktop but crash and burn when they are displayed on a mobile device.

This has to change ASAP.

You’ll want to “mobilize” your email campaigns, change of your templates to lighter weight templates (or get rid of templates altogether), and cut away as much fat from your marketing messages as humanly possible without reducing their effectiveness.

Social media marketing is critical

People spend a ridiculous amount of time on social media these days and they aren’t just sharing funny memes or trading cat pictures with one another, either.

Social media can be a powerful force for word-of-mouth advertising and marketing, maybe the most effective form of advertising and marketing, and savvy marketers need to jump on board ASAP.

Because social media basically lives in mobile devices, and because people access it while on the go all the time, it can be major source of targeted traffic – if you’re ready to harness that traffic and funnel it to your sales pages, your e-commerce shop, and your other “money sites”.

Social media marketing has to have a bit of a light touch compared to more traditional forms of marketing and advertising, however. If you come off as inauthentic, act like a used car salesman, or really hammer high pressure sales tactics or nothing but marketing messages over and over again people are going to flee your social media platforms – and that’s going to kill your campaigns faster than anything else.

This is an often overlooked piece of the puzzle when it comes to mobile marketing but you want to make sure that you have all your ducks in a row for sure.

Consider building out dedicated mobile apps

This may or may not be applicable to every business, but there can be a lot of leverage and a lot of marketing power in building your own mobile apps for your business, for your products, and for your services.

Mobile apps give you a lot of extra control over the sales process from start to finish, can help you build a lot more engagement with your prospects and your customers, and can help you become the top of mind choice for whatever it is you have to offer when your business essentially “lives” in the mobile devices of your customers.

Leverage these tips and tricks above and you’ll be able to hit the ground running.


Written by Justin S

Justin S is an American freelance writer with more than 12 years of full time writing experience across all niches. He is our most tenured writer and handles most of our 'BEST' quality client orders.

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